If you go to the help menu from a Macintosh which is running an OS of Snow leopard 10.6 you will find a window that will float above all the other open window. You can keep that window all over the page always with a simple command.
If we look at the default condition in the Mac OS the viewer is not treated as an application by the Macintosh. You cannot even find an icon for this from the dock. It cannot be acknowledged by exposed and you cannot make it to site behind other applications. Moreover, it cannot be actively selected as a window. Definitely this can be really frustrating.
But not to worry because there is a fix for this solution for ma using the new snow leopard version. Go to>Applications>Utilities and launch terminal. After that copy and paste the below command.
defaults write com.apple.helpviewerDevMode -bool true
Before the change to take place you need to close any help window that is open. After you have closed all the windows the help viewer will behave just like every other application. To reverse the effect copy and paste the below command.
defaults delete com.apple.helpviewerDevMode